Mexico Multiclient Data Library

Expedite field evaluations in basins and plays across Mexico

Multiclient Data Library

Multiclient seismic data to reduce risk and uncertainty

We offer a strategic multiclient portfolio designed to expedite your evaluations of mature and frontier basins and plays across Mexico. This data enables you to greatly reduce geological and operational uncertainty and risk to shorten the cycle to first oil.

Through our domain expertise and regional presence of more than 85 years, we offer the most robust multiclient portfolio in Mexico, providing more than 170,000 km2 of reimaged data and 95,000 km2 of newly acquired data. With a coverage of more than 97% of the held acreage in Mexico, our datasets enable you to make better-informed decisions during exploration and development phases and support farm-in opportunities.

Mexico multiclient data library

Multiclient Data Library

We are passionate about data. Our Mexico multiclient library is constantly evolving and growing with newly acquired and reprocessed 2D and 3D seismic data using advanced imaging technologies to ensure your projects are evergreen. Browse the interactive map to view available multiclient 3D WAZ and NAZ and Schlumberger WesternGeco 2D data.


Campeche Basin

Campeche seismic reimaging

We have changed the seismic landscape in Mexico by integrating legacy datasets. Having a consistent volume throughout the basin highlights the potential in the region. Our Campeche reimaging program is the integration of more than 80 individual surveys, processed from field data, resulting in a unique product that is fundamental for the understanding of the area.

Campeche legacy data Campeche reimaged data
Campeche legacy data vs. reimaged data.

Campeche wide-azimuth seismic data

In Campeche, the salt-related deformational styles vary greatly across the region, ranging from isolated diapiric structures to coalesced allochthonous canopies to salt-withdrawal extensional basins. This complex salt-influenced tectonic history results from the imprint of several major geologic events deriving in deeper compressional structures and shallow extensional ones, creating a wide range of trapping styles and exploration opportunities targeting from Mesozoic subsalt objectives to the established Tertiary suprasalt. Due to the variety of play types and proven petroleum systems, the area holds exceptional exploration potential. 

To address the challenges in the area, Schlumberger acquired more than 75,000 km2 of WAZ surveys. This data enables you to fully explore the potential of new plays and frontier areas in the region through high-quality imaging of the deeper prospective reservoirs and traps.

Legacy seismic data in Campeche Basin WAZ seismic data in Campeche Basin
Reimaged seismic data vs. latest-acquired WAZ data in the Campeche region.
Legacy seismic data in Perdido Fold Belt NAZ seismic data in Campeche Basin
Reimaged seismic data vs. latest-acquired NAZ data in the Campeche region.

Campeche narrow-azimuth seismic data

The Campeche NAZ program optimizes image resolution to illuminate extensional structural deformation in faulted and rotated Jurassic blocks underlying large thicknesses of Cretaceous carbonate sequences as well as the thin and slightly faulted sedimentary wedging against the Mesozoic sequence.

The Salina Del Istmo Basin is a confluence of several tectonic episodes, the imprint of several deformational styles resulting in a very complex geologic setting mostly driven by the influence of salt-related deformational mechanisms. New, improved images reveal how the geometries and tectonic forces change across the area, noting the differing salt and structural provinces and how those changes affect the play types and exploration potential.

Perdido Fold Belt

Perdido seismic reimaging

Through our Perdido reimaging program, we deliver a seamless, regionally consistent, and improved quality seismic image and subsurface salt body model for hydrocarbon exploration across the complex Perdido area.

Perdido legacy seismic data Perdido reimaged seismic data
Perdido legacy data vs. reimaged data.
Legacy seismic data in Perdido Fold Belt WAZ seismic data in Perdido Fold Belt
Reimaged seismic data vs. latest-acquired orthogonal WAZ data in Perdido region.

Perdido orthogonal wide-azimuth seismic data

The Perdido area is characterized by significant lateral variability in orientation and structural deformation associated with saline tectonics with the presence of massive bodies of shallow allochthonous salt. Also, due to its acquisition orientation, legacy WAZ data is not entirely adequate to capture the lateral variability and evaluate prospective potential mainly in deep subsaline targets. This results in primarily conceptual geological models with high exploratory risk or the absence of prospective geological traps.

Our Perdido WAZ program acquires in an orthogonal direction relative to the legacy datasets. The program incorporates both datasets to create a multi-WAZ and multiazimuth image. This improves the illumination along the entire stratigraphic column, with special emphasis on subsaline targets to generate a more reliable seismic image capable of identifying and characterizing potential closures associated with complex structural traps.

Latest Reprocessing Projects

Reprocessing projects

  • Map of  offshore Mexico showing Campeche 3D WAZ broadband seismic imaging project.
    Gulf of Mexico Campeche Basin
    3D wide-azimuth data

    Identify exploration opportunities by illuminating subsalt formations, including three- and four-way closures. View

  • Map of offshore Mexico showing Perdido reimaging and FAZ multiclient project areas.
    Gulf of Mexico Perdido Fold Belt
    Reimaging and FAZ multiclient seismic data

    Develop the best strategy for exploration, appraisal, and development of the Belt. View

Latest Licensing Rounds

Licensing rounds

  • Mexico seismic surveys
    Onshore Mexico 3.2 and 3.3 Bid Rounds
    >25,000 km of 2D seismic data

    Enhance your onshore Mexico prospectivity assessments. View

Latest Multiclient Acquisitions

Multiclient acquisitions

  • Article thumbnail.
    TGS and Schlumberger Announce Next Phase of Ultralong-Offset Node Projects in US Gulf of Mexico

    TGS and Schlumberger today announced the second phase of their ultralong-offset node project in US Gulf of Mexico. View

  • Multiclient survey in the Salina del Istmo Basin will provide the first 3D coverage  over the shallow-water target area
    Schlumberger Begins Wide-Azimuth Survey in Campeche, Mexico

    Multiclient survey in the Salina del Istmo Basin will provide the first 3D coverage over the shallow-water target area. View

Press Releases

Industry news

  • Placeholder
    Schlumberger and Seitel Announce New 2D Multiclient Reimaging Program Onshore Mexico

    Program covers both conventional and unconventional lease blocks View

  • Placeholder
    Schlumberger Executes Contract with Pemex for Multiclient Wide-Azimuth Seismic Survey in the Campeche Basin

    First multiclient data purchase for Pemex in Mexican Gulf of Mexico View

  • Placeholder
    Schlumberger Executes Contract with PETRONAS for Multiclient Wide-Azimuth Deepwater Seismic Survey in the Campeche Basin


  • Map of  offshore Mexico showing Campeche 3D WAZ broadband seismic imaging project.
    Schlumberger Launches Industry-First Multiclient Wide-Azimuth Deepwater Seismic Survey in Mexican Waters, Gulf of Mexico

    Imaging of the Campeche Basin will accelerate asset evaluation. View

  • Campeche Survey Map
    Schlumberger Executes Contract with Statoil for Multiclient Wide-Azimuth Deepwater Seismic Survey in the Campeche Basin

    Survey delivers first broadband multiclient subsalt images in Mexican Gulf of Mexico. View

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