VSI Versatile Seismic Imager | SLB


Versatile seismic imager

Borehole Seismic

Better seismic answers, faster

The complexity of walkaway and offset vertical seismic profile (VSP) surveys is resolved by the operational efficiency and high-fidelity data of the VSI versatile seismic imager. You quickly get the high-quality borehole seismic data you need for calibrating and refining surface seismic surveys.

350-degF temperature rating
20,000- or 25,00-psi pressure rating

High-quality borehole seismic images link your time-based seismic surveys to depth-based logs.

Noise reduction by design

The VSI imager’s downhole sensor package measures the particle motion of the formation at the wellbore with proprietary three-axis omnitilt geophone accelerometers (GACs) with a flat response in the borehole seismic band and tight manufacturing tolerances.

The sensor package’s positive anchoring, small size, and acoustic isolation provide effective immunity from tool harmonics and tube wave noise in the borehole seismic band. Digitization close to the sensor package helps to reduce signal distortion for superior clarity and interpretation.

These design features help avoid the problems typically encountered with conventional borehole seismic tools and deliver the highest vector fidelity demonstrated by any borehole seismic tool in the industry.

VSI imager
VSI versatile seismic imager.
VSI imager

High-quality borehole seismic images in extreme environments

The QVSI HPHT versatile seismic imager is the latest generation of the VSI imager—qualified to acquire high-fidelity triaxial borehole seismic data in conditions where conventional imagers cannot function.

500-degF temperature rating
30,000-psi pressure rating
QVSI manager
QVSI manager

The QVSI imager made it possible to obtain a vertical seismic profile (VSP) for an entire well drilled offshore West Africa. A conventional tool was run in the 17½-in open hole but wasn’t qualified to log farther into the HT section. The QVSI imager easily returned high-quality images in the final 6-in openhole section and behind both casing strings.


Analysis of borehole seismic data collected during the exploration or appraisal process provides accurate velocity, position, and anisotropy information for analyzing, enhancing, and calibrating surface seismic data.

Our multidisciplinary interpretation experts work with you as needed to extend the resulting high-resolution reservoir description away from the wellbore to locate reservoir sweet spots, fractures, and compartments. Fast-track borehole seismic images are particularly useful for designing sidetrack or horizontal wellbores.

An additional application is microseismic interpretation with real-time monitoring to improve fracturing results and lead to better well production. Cross-well seismic data also delivers high-resolution imaging to support more effective field development.

Interpretation Services for VSI Versatile Seismic Imager and QVSI HPHT Versatile Seismic Imager