案例分享 Fluid Preconditioning Solution Avoids Shutdown in an European well
Innovative solution delivered 77,000 bbl of oil while reducing H2S from 6% to 10 ppm with no HSE incidents.
Solutions to improve your reservoir's performance
Well intervention is an operation performed on a well to improve its performance. A conventional light intervention uses downhole intervention equipment to enter a live well to adjust components, diagnose flow, shut off water, or reperforate to increase production. Surface intervention measures well fluid composition and flow rate and processes well fluids at surface to enable or improve production or overcome temporary production challenges.
Schlumberger has the people, portfolio, and technology to ensure the success of your operations, so you never lose a single barrel of production. We are positioned to help you deliver your production objectives with confidence and assurance.
Rapid production response solutions
Real-time multiphase flow rate measurement
Our domain experts help you develop fit-for-purpose solutions to meet production objectives. With Schlumberger, you also have access to comprehensive engineering support that combines expertise from surface testing and midstream processing.
Schlumberger has a worldwide footprint with available assets to quickly deploy fit-for-purpose solutions.
We can leverage an extensive technology portfolio to help you meet your production objectives: horizontal pumps, sulfur treatment, CO2 membranes, water treatment, sand management, multiphase flowmetering, and more.