Data solutions on-premise | SLB

Data solutions on-premise

Secure access to data in your environment

Data Solutions On-Premise
Data Solutions On-Premise

Retain control over your data, while reaping the benefits of connected technologies

Our on-premise data solutions run on computing infrastructure at your location, or locations under your control. These end-to-end encrypted solutions enable you to retain data sovereignty and meet all information assurance obligations while connecting your people, processes, and systems.

Our products and services

  • ProSource E&P Data Management & Delivery System
    ProSource E&P Data Management & Delivery System

    Maximize the value of your E&P data. View

  • Avocet Production Operations Software Platform
    Production operations software platform

    Hit all your production targets with a field-level decision support system. View

  • Studio
    Multiuser knowledge collaboration

    Multiuser knowledge collaboration and sharing to improve multidisciplinary productivity. View