Methane Emissions Management | SLB

Methane emissions management

Reimagine your impact with a comprehensive plan for the future and a partnership to get you there

Powering methane solutions that scale

With an impact about 84× greater than carbon dioxide, methane is a leading cause of global warming. While individual technologies can mitigate the issue, making real change in methane emissions requires a comprehensive view of your business and integrated operations.

At SLB, we see the bigger picture—and in it, your long-term plan for eliminating methane. Through connective software, hardware, and end-to-end solutions you can depend on, we take the guesswork out of methane management.

What does your emissions plan look like? Let’s build it together.

Person in blue coveralls, hard hat, and yellow gloves checki

Our products and services

  • SLB End-to-end Emissions Solutions

    Report and ultimately eliminate methane emissions and routine flaring. 探索更多

Man in blue suit and woman in white shirt and blue slacks walking down an office hallway, with windows on one side.

Customer support

Talk to one of our methane elimination experts today.

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