案例分享 Subsea Demulsifier Developed for Deepwater Oil Field Exceeds Specifications
Cost-efficient DS-83066 improves production stability, well integrity, and topside operations.
Solutions to inhibit or remove scale, paraffin, asphaltene, hydrates, naphthenates, and other deposits
However hostile or difficult the environment, our highly effective and evolving portfolio of products and services can help you maintain optimal production by inhibiting or removing deposits of substances such as scale, paraffin, asphaltene, hydrates, and naphthenates that present flow assurance challenges. We also have a wide range of umbilical-friendly products for deepwater applications.
Remediation of existing flow restrictions can be accomplished with our extensive range of dissolvers and innovative technologies.
Benefit from a comprehensive approach to managing scale and an extensive portfolio of solutions. View
Address the challenge of paraffin deposits, which form when hydrocarbons depressurize and cool. View
Optimal solutions based on field and fluid data, testing, and performance evaluation. View
Cost-effective flow assurance in subsea, deepwater, and unconventional applications. View
Kinetic and antiagglomerant hydrate inhibitors to suit your fluid and field characteristics. View
Stop complex soap formation and remove naphthenate deposits to restore production. View
Maintain optimal operation of your hydrocarbon assets. View
To ensure umbilical-friendly production chemicals for wells in water depths greater than 1,500 ft. View