ACTive Intervene
CT real-time wellbore intervention service
Support strategic decision making with measurements taken during intervention operations.
Multilateral reentry system
Discovery MLT multilateral reentry system is cost effective and operationally simple for maximizing performance of multilateral wells. The system sends a pressure signal to the surface confirming that you've accessed the correct lateral.
Adjusting the suborientation, or bend, from surface and the real-time feedback to surface of window identification save a substantial amount of time. This significantly increases the chance of successful reentry on the first attempt. You only need one run to the bottom of the lateral for confirmation.
Using Discovery MLT system, you can display several essential parameters, such as the tool orientation relative to the lateral window. The Discovery MLT system also monitors previous indexes and guides you through indexing cycles for accurate, real-time information downhole.
After the window is profiled, the Discovery MLT system memorizes the window orientation and monitors the BHA orientation, facilitating the location of other windows.
You can determine job feasibility with our CoilCADE coiled tubing design and evaluation software for monitoring and recording real-time data with CoilCAT coiled tubing computer-aided treatment.