HSD High Shot Density Perforating Gun System | SLB


High shot density perforating gun system

Perforating Lab

The pressure-tight steel tubes of HSD high shot density perforating gun systems enable combining the best-performing charges with optimal phasing patterns in a high shot density to produce the ideal perforations for the completion, whether it is natural, stimulated, or for sand control. The carrier tubes themselves are expendable and retrievable, which means that once the gun system has been used, it is retrieved and disposed of.

HSD gun systems are available in sizes from 1.56 to 7 in. For applications that require maximizing the area open to flow (AOF), the Bigshot 21 gravel-pack gun system is used with big hole shaped charges to produce large-diameter perforations.

Perforate wellbores at any deviation

Conveyance of HSD perforating gun systems is primarily on wireline cable or tubing. Tractor conveyance can be used in deviated and horizontal wells.

7-in high-pressure HSD high shot density perforating gun system.