Production | SLB


Deploy technology at scale to improve performance, lower cost, and decarbonize production

Living the Production Journey digital texture
An SLB operator viewing wellsite data on a tablet

Leverage digitalization to produce more and for longer with a smaller carbon footprint

Because the production phase is the majority of an asset’s life cycle, we collaborate with you to optimize productivity and sustainability from completion through decommissioning, no matter what form of energy you are producing. The key to driving your production performance for longer and better is closing the loop between the physical and digital worlds. We'll help you weave a digital thread, enabled by AI and autonomous operations, that connects information to technology throughout your production journey.

Decarbonize by getting closer to the action

Production performance has always relied on getting the most oil and gas from assets at the lowest cost per barrel. Now the imperative to decarbonize production introduces a new critical metric to this ongoing quest for efficiency improvement and cost reduction: achieving ROI at the lowest carbon emissions per barrel. Success is redefined as driving performance while decarbonizing production.

So here's a thought. The issue of carbon emissions in production could be seen as a problem of distance between the reservoir and processing at the facility, delay between the creation and treatment of unwanted byproducts, and the gap between wish lists and field-proven solutions. The closer we can act to the origin or source of an issue, the greater the effect we can have and the more value we can create.

Let us help you drive performance as you reduce your carbon footprint.

Explore more

Two operators wearing blue coveralls walking up a walkway

Our products and services

Production solutions

  • SLB Brand Art of an FPSO on the water with a ribbon of blue and white circling the top of the ship.
    FPSO Performance
    Collaborate with an open coalition to accelerate your FPSO performance evolution

    Digitally connect from reservoir to topside to optimize production, cut carbon, and create new FPSO value. View

  • Graphic of 3 offshore platforms with multiple wells and long tiebacks supplying a single FPSO.
    Electric Production Systems for Oil & Gas Fields
    Reduce your infrastructure and energy requirements while maximizing recovery

    Systemic electrification and digitalization enable material improvements in production and recovery efficiency. View

Customer support

Two SLB operators overlooking a production facility

Let us help you optimize the performance of your production assets.

Other products and services

Working together to abate emissions

Making better decisions faster—connecting data, people, and ideas to the latest digital technologies from project to enterprise

Improving performance in the oil and gas industry

Accelerating the transition to low-carbon energy