Logging While Drilling (LWD) Formation Evaluation | SLB

Logging-while-drilling services

Acquire high-quality data while drilling

SLB technician configuring an LWD tool on a drilling pad at night.

Fast, high-quality data for accurate geosteering and formation evaluation

Increase ROP, improve wellbore stability and hole quality, and optimize well placement and reservoir exposure for maximum production—faster.

As the industry leader in logging-while-drilling (LWD) technology, SLB creates advanced LWD services that acquire high-quality data for accurate geosteering and more-informed formation evaluation, so you can work proactively as you drill.

Two drilling technicians in the doghouse of a rig during daylight operations

Formation evaluation

Automated Lithology increases effectiveness of formation evaluation.

  • Automated Lithology.
    Automated Lithology
    Increase your lithological accuracy and enhance well planning

    Capture and digitalize high-definition images of cuttings for precise reservoir analysis and integration into 3D models. View

Geosteering and reservoir mapping while drilling

Large-scale mapping of reservoir geometry, quality, and productivity

  • Screenshot showing a colorful image of the multilayer mapping-while-drilling service trajectory
    PeriScope Edge
    Multilayer mapping-while-drilling service

    Achieve the highest confidence for precision steering decisions in razor-thin reservoirs. View

  • Test tubes holding different weights of oil, arranged from darkest to lightest.
    Fluid mapping-while-drilling service

    Map reservoir fluid composition and distribution to maximize reservoir exposure. View

  • Petrel rendering that combines well path details and 3D reservoir data as collected by the GeoSphere service
    GeoSphere HD
    High-definition reservoir mapping-while-drilling service

    Map a depth of investigation that exceeds 250 ft—the largest in the industry—and covers the widest range of environment. View

  • IriSphere service multifrequency transmitters and multireceiver BHA
    Look-ahead-while-drilling service

    Improve casing-point selection and reduce drilling risks with continuous resistivity ahead of the bit. View

Reservoir engineering while drilling

Formation pressure and fluids

  • Close up of the StethoScope formation pressure-while-drilling service tool
    Formation pressure-while-drilling service

    Monitor formation pressure while drilling to calibrate pore pressure models. View

  • Test tubes holding different weights of oil, arranged from darkest to lightest.
    Fluid mapping-while-drilling service

    Map reservoir fluid composition and distribution to maximize reservoir exposure. View

Petrophysics and geology while drilling

Lithology, porosity, saturation, permeability, structure, and stratigraphy

  • MagniSphere High-Definition NMR Logging-While-Drilling Service
    High-definition NMR logging-while-drilling service

    Acquire sourceless, real-time NMR data for accurate and precise reservoir fluid evaluation while slimhole drilling. View

  • A land rig in the distance, across a sandy landscape
    Slimhole petrophysics evaluation-while-drilling service

    Get real-time insight into the mineral composition of formations and continuous-circulation directional survey service and pumps-off surveying. View

  • A Schlumberger technician taking inventory of the various LWD tools available for use at a rigsite
    Multifunction logging-while-drilling service

    Obtain resistivity, neutron porosity, azimuthal gamma ray, density, elemental capture spectroscopy, and sigma measurements and borehole imaging—all in one collar. View

  • A Schlumberger technician uses a connected computer to perform final checks on a NeoScope sourceless formation evaluation-while-drilling-service tool
    Sourceless formation evaluation-while-drilling service

    Reduce risk and logistical demands by eliminating the need for chemical sources to acquire multifunction LWD data. View

  • Technicians in Indonesia make adjustments to an adnVISION Azimuthal Density Neutron Service tool
    Azimuthal density neutron service

    Characterize formation porosity and lithology while drilling with azimuthal density measurements (ADN). View

  • A Schlumberger technician attaching a cover to a sensor on an arcVISION array resistivity compensated service tool
    Array resistivity compensated service

    Benefit from real-time resistivity, gamma ray, inclination, and annular pressure data. View

  • A log from the proVISION Plus Magnetic resonance-while-drilling service showing T2, fluid volumes, facies analysis, and permeability tracks
    proVISION Plus
    Magnetic resonance-while-drilling service

    Achieve accurate lithology-independent porosity and continuous permeability in real time. View

  • Composite image of the sonicSCOPE system and sample data logs that it generates
    Multipole sonic-while-drilling service

    Realize the benefits of real-time multipole sonic data for advanced risk mitigation, cement evaluation, formation evaluation, and completion design. View

  • operator working down-hole with TerraShpere
    High-definition dual-imaging-while-drilling service

    Provides complete reservoir geological description in oil-based mud environments. View

  • MicroScope HD Resistivity and High-Definition Imaging-While-Drilling Service
    MicroScope HD
    Resistivity- and high-definition imaging-while-drilling service

    Get high-resolution LWD imaging for structural analysis, sedimentology, and fracture characterization. View

  • Samples of density and caliper logs from the imaging density neutron standoff caliper tool
    Neutron Density Imaging Service
    Azimuthal images of bulk density and caliper

    Get azimuthal images of bulk density and caliper, along with conventional bulk density, neutron porosity, photoelectric index, caliper, and tool standoff. View

Geophysics while drilling

Seismic imaging and correlation

  • Illustration of a BHA using the seismicVISION service moving through layers of data
    Seismic-while-drilling service

    Acquire borehole seismic measurements for real-time, time-depth-velocity information without disrupting drilling operations. View

Geomechanics while drilling

Rock mechanics and wellbore stability

  • Composite image of the sonicSCOPE system and sample data logs that it generates
    Multipole sonic-while-drilling service

    Realize the benefits of real-time multipole sonic data for advanced risk mitigation, cement evaluation, formation evaluation, and completion design. View