BMO Centre at Stampede Park, Calgary, Alberta, Canada | 30 September–2 October, 2019
Join us at SPE ATCE 2019 at booth 933 to learn how Schlumberger drives your well performance through technology and domain expertise. Learn from live presentations how new equipment, software, and services can help you optimize efficiency, increase reservoir recovery, improve operational safety, and manage project economics.
Exhibition: 9:00–18:00
09:30 | SIS Global Forum 2019—What Did I Miss?
10:00 | 3D Far-Field Sonic Service—Go Beyond Your Near Wellbore
10:30 | Openness on the GAIA Digital Subsurface Platform
11:00 | Quanta Geo Photorealistic Reservoir Geology Service
11:30 | Kinetix Reservoir-Centric Stimulation-to-Production Software
12:00 | Sliding Sleeves—An Efficient Alternative to Frac Plugs and Limited-Entry Completions
12:30 | Technology Launch: Aegis Armor Cladding—Evolutionary Bit Design, Uncompromising Performance
13:30 | Audit to Optimize Process Unit Audit and Optimization Service
14:00 | Fluid Inclusion Technologies—A Case Study in the Permain
14:30 | RheoProfiler Automated Rheometer
15:00 | Technology Launch: Kinetix Frac Integrated Fracturing Stimulation Software
15:30 | SCREEN PULSE Fluid and Cuttings Separator
16:00 | EnduraDril Inhibitive Divalent Water-Based Drilling Fluid
16:30 | Technology Launch: Living in a Connected Digital World
Exhibition: 9:00–17:30
09:30 | Stewardship Tool—Measuring the Footprint of Operations
10:00 | Symmetry Platform Software Integration Solutions
10:30 | A Digital Journey from Data to Discovery
11:00 | Fulcrum Cement-Conveyed Frac Performance Technology
11:30 | FluxDril Direct Emulsion Fluid
12:00 | A Journey Through Completion Surface Efficiency
12:30 | Special Presentation: 60 Years of Directional Steering Evolution
13:30 | Muzic Aeon Premium-Performance Wireless Telemetry
14:00 | ProdOps Tuned Production Operations Solution
14:30 | CMR-MagniPHI High-Definition NMR Service
15:00 | Simulation of Thermal Processes—Addressing Challenges of Heavy Oil Development
15:30 | Vx Spectra Surface Multiphase Flowmeter—a Success Story from South Texas
16:00 | HEAL System for ESP Performance Improvement
16:30 | Special Presentation: Sensia Joint Venture—Intelligent Action
Exhibition: 9:00–14:00
09:30 | Peak Well Systems
10:00 | xBolt Accelerated Drilling Service
10:30 | Analyzing SAGD Producer Flow Instability and ESP Deterioration Using Dynamic Flow Simulations
11:00 | TuffTRAC iX Extreme-Performance Wireline Tractor
11:30 | Kinetix Reservoir-Centric Stimulation-to-Production Software
12:00 | Kinetix Frac Integrated Fracturing Stimulation Software
12:30 | An Efficient Alternative to Frac Plug and Limited-Entry Completions