Data & analytics solutions | SLB

Data & analytics solutions

Smarter decision making through tailored analytics tools.

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Petrel Production analytics

Analytics is the discovery and communication of meaningful patterns in data. It uses a combination of mathematics and statistics, descriptive techniques and machine learning to gain valuable knowledge from data, in order to drive decisions and actions. We have been offering analytics for many years with statistical software packages, production forecasting, uncertainty analysis, simulation inside your SLB applications. These capabilities have been classified below into three categories, Descriptive, Diagnosic and Predictive.

Data is at the core of every organization. It is critical to be able to collect, find, visualize, manage and seamlessly connect business users to their data – for faster and more informed insights.

Our suite of data software and services are ready for you, all the tools and support you need to be able to effectively manage and derive value from your organizations petrotechnical data.

Explore our solutions


  • Petrel Production analytics
    Petrel Production analytics
    Production performance monitoring, analysis, and data integration into geology and reservoir engineering

    Production performance monitoring, analysis, and data integration into geology and reservoir engineering. View

  • OFM promo card
    OFM well and reservoir analysis software
    Powerful production surveillance with analytical and forecasting tools

    Powerful production surveillance with analytical and forecasting tools. View

  • Petrel Uncertainty
    Petrel Uncertainty
    Perform sensitivity and uncertainty analysis and generate probabilistic forecasts to optimize operational constraints and improve field development

    Perform sensitivity and uncertainty analysis and generate probabilistic forecasts to optimize operational constraints and improve field development. View

  • Petrel History matching & production forecasting optimization
    Petrel History Matching & Production Forecasting Optimization
    Calibrate your reservoir models for more accurate and robust recovery forecasts

    Calibrate your reservoir models for more accurate and robust recovery forecasts. View

  • well construction
    Well Construction
    Extended Reach, Horizontal, High DLS, LWD/MWD

    Faster ROP & better well placement in extended-reach, horizontal, unconventional, pad, high-dogleg, and other challenging oil and gas well schemes.  View


  • Petrel Geophysics Classification and Estimation
    Petrel Classification and Estimation

    Advanced train estimation tools and trend modeling. View

  • Techlog K.mod
    Techlog K.mod
    Use log data and the powerful neural network capabilities to predict non-recorded parameters

    Objectively reconstruct your missing data. View

  • Techlog Ipsom
    Techlog Ipsom
    Use the 2D indexed and probabilized self-organizing map to help your geological interpretation of log data and facies prediction

    Predict and propagate rock classification groups. View

  • Petrel facies modeling
    Petrel facies modeling

    Build accurate facies models View

  • Petrel petrophysical modeling
    Petrel petrophysical modeling

    Build accurate petrophysical models View

  • Petrel trajectory planning
    Petrel trajectory planning

    Plan your well paths with confidence View

Data Solutions

  • Schlumberger Enterprise Data Management Solution
    SLB Enterprise Data Solution
    Connect the people, applications, and data that drive your business

    The first fully unified enterprise data solution for the OSDU Data Platform. This cloud-native enterprise data solution enables end-to-end data-driven workflows scalable to customers’ organizations. View

  •  DELFI Cognitive E&P Environment
    OSDU Data Platform
    Accelerating digital transformation in E&P

    Accelerating digital transformation in E&P. View

  •  DELFI Cognitive E&P Environment
    Delfi Virtual Data Room

    Promote and evaluate E&P acquisition & divestment opportunities—further, faster and securely View

  • Studio
    Multiuser knowledge collaboration

    Multiuser knowledge collaboration and sharing to improve multidisciplinary productivity. View

  • ProSource E&P Data Management & Delivery System
    ProSource E&P Data Management & Delivery System

    Maximize the value of your E&P data. View

  • Avocet Production Operations Software Platform
    Production operations software platform

    Hit all your production targets with a field-level decision support system. View