CBS-957 cement batch mixer skid | SLB


Cement batch mixer skid

Batch mixers.

The CBS-957 cement batch mixer skid blends and recirculates cement slurry for the pumping unit. This model features with two 100-bbl blending tanks to handle large volumes of slurry.

Two centrifugal pumps are capable of transferring fluids from remote sources. The pumps also recirculate cement slurry back to the tanks and discharge fluids to the pumping unit.

  • Uniform cement slurry blending
  • Cement slurry or fluids delivery to the pumping unit
  • Cement slurry recirculation back to blending tanks
  • Fluids transfer from remote sources
  • Enables individual tank mixing and cross mixing
  • Enables pneumatic feeding of dry cement directly to the batch mixer
  • Includes
  • Hydraulic power pack with electronic diesel engine compliant with US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Tier 3 emission standards and European emission standards Stage IIIA
  • Two 100-bbl batch tanks Two centrifugal pumps
  • Pressurized packing lubrication for centrifugal pumps
  • Hopper and cutting table
Cutout of the CBS-957 cement batch mixer skid.
CBS-957 cement batch mixer skid.