Filter Cartridges | SLB

Filter Cartridges

Protection for polishing and absolute-rating filters


65-N and 160-N nominal wound depth filter cartridges

With rigid structural integrity and uniform graduated void spacing that provide superior pressure dropoff rates, these cartridges help to ensure high flowthrough rates while retaining dirt loading on the surface and within the matrix of the element.

The filter cartridges are manufactured from extruded polypropylene and polyester. The polypropylene enables optimal attraction of free oils, and the polyester elements are excellent for initial filtration of mineral and hydraulic oils.

65-OBLT and 160-OBLT high-absorption filter cartridges

The 65-OBLT and 160-OBLT high-absorption filter cartridges were specifically developed to remove hard-to-treat emulsified hydrocarbons, refined oils, and soluble organics from water streams. Unlike conventional modified media technologies, the 65-OBLT and 160-OBLT filter cartridges’ ability to target stubborn fluids and dissolved organics is unaffected by temporary variations in flow rate, pressure, and oil content. For water polishing applications in which high levels of dissolved organics or difficult-to-treat fluids are present, the 65-OBLT and 160-OBLT filter cartridges are an effective solution.


65-OB and 160-OB high-integrity filter cartridges

The 65-OB and 160-OB oil-bond filter cartridges remove a range of oils in many process fluids during reclamation and disposal. Shown to retain up to 99% of trace hydrocarbons, the oil-absorbing filter elements exhibit low pressure loss that gradually increases as the elements become loaded, providing a positive indication that the cartridges require changeout.

65-A and 160-A absolute-rated pleated filter cartridges

65-A and 160-A filter elements are available in absolute micron ratings from 0.5 to 50 um. For project-specific demands such as high temperatures and highly corrosive liquids, we offer in-house engineering to design and construct elements tailored to achieve objectives. All absolute-rated filter elements from M-I SWACO are rated to Beta 5,000, delivering a 99.98% efficiency in particulate removal.
