RapidMSS TAML 2 Multistage Stimulation Multilateral Junction | SLB


TAML 2 trip-efficient multistage stimulation multilateral junction

Multilateral completion systems.

Stimulate the main bore and the lateral in a single trip

The RapidMSS TAML 2 junction speeds up your multilateral, multistage completion and simplifies operations by enabling you to fracture the main bore and the lateral in one trip.

Based on the proven RapidAccess TAML 2 self-orienting multilateral junction technology, the RapidMSS junction can be used in new wells or mature assets with slot constraints to provide multiple kickoff points for current and future sidetracks and multilateral wellbores. The technology is fully stackable, and you retain fullbore access to the main bore and lateral.

RapidMSS TAML 2 trip-efficient, multistage stimulation multilateral junction