Eclipse Core Simulator
Multicomponent reservoir fluid description for compositional changes associated with depth, condensates, or volatile crude oils, gas injection programs, and secondary recovery studies
Model gas field production constraints and operations as part of your reservoir simulation
The required rate of gas production is not constant throughout the year, but varies from month to month to reflect the pattern of demand.
With the Gas Field Operations option, you can enter an annual profile made up of monthly multipliers to the mean rate or daily contracted quantity (DCQ), which is then applied to the field’s gas production rate target for each month.
Typical gas sales contracts require that the field be able to produce at a rate which is higher than the DCQ. This is known as the swing factor. Eclipse can calculate an appropriate DCQ so that the it is valid over the period of the contract depending on the deliverability of the field.
Normally gas production targets in the Eclipse simulator are set on the total gross production coming from the formation. When using the Gas Field Operations option, it is possible to specify the production targets on the sales gas rates, which is the gas remaining after taking into account the gas consumption of the group.
As well as modeling the actual performance of the field at the demanded rate, it is useful to have an idea of its delivery capacity if all group and field constraints were removed.
When the Gas Field Operations option in used in conjunction with the Eclipse Network option, gas compressors in the pipelines can be switched on and off automatically, as required. The compressors may consume gas at a specified rate for power which will be added to the gas consumption rate whenever the compressors are operating.
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Black oil, compositional, thermal, and streamline reservoir simulation. View
Make more informed decisions to extract the most value from your field over its lifetime. View
Simulate the full spectrum of enhanced oil recovery methods and model CO2 capture and storage projects View
Control your reservoir simulation with a wide range of field management options View
Model complex wells and geology View
Leverage the power of high-performance computers to speed up your simulation workflows View
Black oil, compositional, thermal, and streamline reservoir simulation View
For heavy oil recovery, handling changes in reservoir temperature and calorific energy View
Simulate coal bed methane, shale gas, shale oil, and naturally fractured reservoirs View