Operator Drills Longest Lateral Interval in the Permian Basin Using PowerDrive Orbit RSS | SLB

Operator Drills Longest Lateral Interval in the Permian Basin Using PowerDrive Orbit RSS

Published: 09/06/2017

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Operator Drills Longest Lateral Interval in the Permian Basin Using PowerDrive Orbit RSS - Single BHA used to drill 13,602 ft with an average ROP of 125 ft/h
The PowerDrive Orbit RSS enabled the operator to drill the 8½-in lateral interval in a single run to 13,602-ft MD at an average ROP of 125 ft/h. This is the longest lateral drilled in the Permian Basin with a single BHA. The closed-loop inclination and azimuth control,
along with the new pad design, provided enhanced trajectory control.
Permian Basin, United States, North America, Onshore

Reagan County
SUGG A 157 #45M

Upper Wolfcamp
Shale with interbedded limestone and minor layers of calcareous sandstone
13,602 ft [4,146 m]
8½ in
125 ft/h [38 m/h]

The operator faced drilling challenges using conventional motor BHAs in the Permian Basin, experiencing drag in extended lateral sections. Schlumberger suggested using the PowerDrive Orbit* RSS to combat these challenges.
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