Techlog Python | SLB

Techlog Python

Go further with full extensibility and openness. Python is a popular, open-source scripting language incorporated within Techlog. With a large, worldwide user base, Python is used for wide variety of programming activities, from simple calculations to complex interface and database implementations.

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With a large, worldwide user base, Python is used for wide variety of programming activities, from simple calculations to complex interface and database implementations.

Techlog Python
The Python Script Editor allows data manipulation to be performed and provides interactive help.

Techlog Python editor, combined with libraries, permits access to:

  • All Techlog data objects (e.g., wells, datasets, curves, and properties).
  • Mathematical and statistical routines.
  • Petrophysical calculations (e.g., shale, porosity, and saturation equations).
  • Plot objects (e.g., access a predefined template or create a new template within a Python script).

Python provides a wide range of features, including the use of scripts to access previously compiled code from languages such as C++ and Fortran. A range of additional tools and library functions is also available via the Python community.

Techlog Python
Python script within a Quanti display in the layout workflow table and output.

Using Python

Many tasks can be accomplished using the large number of ready-made scripts. These can be used as complete, functioning scripts, or adapted for a specific task. Scripts can be run on a standalone basis directly from the Python editor, or be used to access other scripts as sub-routines. Scripts can also be incorporated into Quanti workflows and thus be applicable over many wells and data interval ranges, without the need for data access or housekeeping code.

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