Petrel combined core | SLB

Petrel combined core

The Petrel combined core brings the power and capabilities required for full exploration and production studies—allowing complete subsurface uncertainty to be modeled.


The Petrel™ combined core is the platform of choice for integrated uncertainty assessments at all stages from exploration through development and production workflows, from early in the interpretation phases through to the simulation phases. The combined core is needed for various geology, geophysics and engineering modules.

Key workflows include the following:

  • Loading and quality control all types of data
  • Generating maps and cross sections for printing and reporting
  • Constructing and editing structural 3D grids for reservoir modeling workflows
  • Populating 3D models with geometrical, facies, and petrophysical properties
  • Real-time link and local structural grid update for when new well data arrives
  • Automating workflows for repetitive tasks or updates through the Workflow Editor
  • Performing uncertainty workflows through the Uncertainty Workflow Editor, such as velocity uncertainty or simulation-based uncertainty quantification
  • Adding fluid properties, well completions, production history, and event scheduling to your simulation models
  • Launching the Eclipse or Intersect simulators and analyzing your results
  • Estimating reservoir volumes from maps or 3D models, or production volumes from simulations
  • Asset teams collaborate in a productive environment where peers work on a shared earth model
  • A fully integrated environment where Geology, Geophysics, Reservoir Engineering and Production disciplines work together
  • Fully integrated 2D and 3D canvases where E&P disciplines work together increasing confidence in decision making
  • Dynamic customizable plot windows help integrating and understanding data from various sources, helping in well placement workflows
Petrel combined core
A fully integrated environment where Geology, Geophysics, Reservoir Engineering and Production disciplines work together.

For more detail on all the available features delivered with the combined core, please refer to the Petrel geoscience core and Petrel reservoir engineering core module pages.

  • Different visualization canvases (2D, 3D, well correlation, histogram, function, stereonet, intersection, and interpretation windows)
  • Data import/export
  • Calculator for well logs, surfaces, points, and properties
  • Creating and editing well tops using spreadsheets
  • Digitizing and editing polygons
  • Surface gridding and map manipulation/editing
  • Fault modeling and 3D grid generation (pillar grids, partially stair-stepped grids, and full stair-stepped grids), including zonation building and fine-scaled sub-zonation
  • Local structural model update
  • Filtering and data selection functionality
  • General intersections that can be aligned in any user-defined direction
  • Spreadsheet reports output as text files
  • 3D and 4D property players
  • Synthetic logs for well trajectories from 3D grid properties
  • Generating flow simulation grids (geometric scale-up from fine grid)
  • Fluid contacts assignment and volume calculations
  • Well completion design—import tubing and completion data, create completion string specifications, calculate connections to grid cells for the simulator, specify completions relative to horizons, and copy them from well to well
  • Flow controls—import historical production rates and average them up into simulation control time steps, set prediction controls and economic limits
  • Fluids—import or create from correlations the pressure, volume, temperature (PVT) properties for oil, water, and gas
  • Case definition—select which realization of each grid, property, and engineering data is to be used in a simulation run; copy cases and make modifications; and run them directly in the Eclipse simulator
  • Workflow editor for automating tasks and uncertainty workflows
  • Scaled map and cross section plotting
A group sitting in an auditorium watching a presenter speak on a characterization model image

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