Petrel reservoir engineering core | SLB

Petrel reservoir engineering core

Petrel reservoir engineering provides the ideal model-centric environment for reservoir engineering workflows.


The Petrel™ reservoir engineering core provides a complete environment for pre- and postprocessing simulation workflows. The software lets you start from a static 3D geological model and add dynamic data to create simulation models. You can include the PVT behavior of reservoir fluids, fluid-rock properties (e.g., relative permeability and capillary pressure), initial equilibrium conditions, completions and well models, historical production data, and field-development scenarios. Once your simulation model has been constructed and configured, you can submit runs to either the Eclipse or Intersect reservoir simulator and manage your various simulation cases and their results. Powerful 2D and 3D visualization capabilities, as well as a customizable simulation charting process, enable you to quickly and easily analyze simulation output.

Whatever type of reservoir challenge you are facing, your simulation can be set up and run using the Petrel reservoir engineering core, including

  • blackoil models
  • compositional models
  • heavy oil reservoirs requiring thermal models
  • unconventional reservoirs
  • complex field-development scenarios.
Petrel reservoir engineering core
Multilateral well with inflow control devices
  • Case definition—select which realization of each grid, property, and development scenario is to be used in a simulation run convert existing Eclipse decks into Petrel projects
  • Results and case trees—manage cases in folders and keep track of the results in the results tree
  • Well completion design—import tubing and completion data; interactively create completion string specifications alongside well logs; intersect the completion description with the grid and calculate connections to grid cells for the simulator; and specify completions relative to horizons and copy them from well to well
  • Multisegment wells—configure complex wells with advanced completions, such as horizontal and multilateral wells, and wells containing inflow control devices or valves
  • Flow controls—import historical production rates and convert them into simulation controls for history matching, and set prediction controls and economic limits
  • Fluids— import the pressure, volume, and temperature (PVT) properties for oil, water, and gas, or create them from correlations
  • Rock physics—define capillary pressure, relative permeability, and rock-compaction functions
  • Aquifer definition—include analytical or numerical aquifers in your simulations
  • Transformation of an existing Eclipse simulation case to a Petrel model

The Petrel reservoir engineering core provides access to the standard Petrel platform, which includes

  • 2D and 3D visualization in different types of canvases (well correlation, histogram, function, results charting, stereonet, intersection, and interpretation windows)
  • data import and export
  • a calculator for well logs, surfaces, points, and properties
  • digitizing and editing polygons
  • 3D grid generation and editing
  • 3D grid geometrical modeling
  • filtering and data selection functionality
  • general intersections that can be aligned in any user-defined direction
  • spreadsheet reports (output as text files)
  • generating flow-simulation grids (geometric scale-up from fine grid)
  • workflow editor for automated tasks including model updates and uncertainty management
  • importing and exporting 3D grids and properties
  • online help 
A group sitting in an auditorium watching a presenter speak on a characterization model image

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