Infill Well Optimization for Parent-Child Drilling and Stimulation | SLB

Infill Well Optimization

Maximize the returns from your infill well investments by harnessing the power of fit-for-purpose technologies and digital workflows

Infill well optimization

Infill drilling accounts for more than 60% of the new wells drilled in North America, making it more important than ever to follow a consistent and holistic process of planning, designing, constructing, completing, and producing them.

tight infill development bakken shale
Example of tight infill development in the Bakken Shale, US.

Infill drilling sparks changes for operators

In most US unconventional basins, operators start development by drilling the minimum number of wells needed to hold their acreage. These initial wells are sometimes called parent wells. Operators then start drilling infill wells, also called child wells. When the child well stimulation operation communicates with a parent well, the result is parent-child well interference or a frac hit.

Frac hits can have positive, negative, or neutral effects on parent well production. In addition, infill well production varies with distance from the parent, time elapsed since the parent began producing, and other factors. Rapid production declines can also occur in parent and child wells after infill well stimulation.

Parent wells with negative interference
Production performance of infill wells vs. preexisting wells
Negative economic impact over last 2 years
Infill Well Analytics App

Pay it Forward Webinar Series: Infill Wells (Part 1)

Learn about minimizing losses during well shut-in and restart operations.

Download the webinar

    Schlumberger is uniquely positioned to help you eliminate challenges that impair infill wells from maximizing their true potential by providing comprehensive technologies and integrated reservoir-centric workflows, enabled by data-driven digital solutions.

    Parent production affects child fractures—and productivity

    The point of infill drilling is to replace reserves as parent well production declines. But the parent well’s production depletes the reservoir, and the reduced reservoir pressure tends to reduce formation stresses, attracting new hydraulic fractures from nearby infill wells.

    If a new well is too close to the parent well, its fractures will grow asymmetrically toward the lower stress, creating a drainage area that largely overlaps the area already depleted by the parent well. Thus, the child well’s initial production will be markedly lower than that of the parent well, and it will decline faster.

    Differences in experiences by play exacerbate the challenge of optimizing the field and individual well designs.

    parent well production
    After 7 years of production, reservoir pressure is depleted around a parent well, leading to asymmetric fracture growth toward the depleted zone and frac hits from the nearer of two child wells.
    Frac hits webinar

    World Oil Webcast Replay

    In case you missed it: Learn about best practices for developing and extending unconventional fields with infill wells.

    Watch the webcast

    Infill well best practices across North America

    Williston Basin

    Factors for success in North Dakota, US, and Saskatchewan and Manitoba, Canada.

    Infill planning

    • DrillPlan Solution Improves Well Planning Efficiency by More Than 50%, Williston Basin
      DrillPlan Solution Improves Well Planning Efficiency by More Than 50%, Williston Basin

      Petro-Hunt uncovers opportunities for drilling risk mitigation and well design innovation. View

    • Technical Paper:A New Method of Acquiring Open Hole Logs In Unconventional Wells
      A New Method of Acquiring Openhole Logs In Unconventional Wells

      Recently developed conveyance and acquisition system greatly reduces costs and risks. View

    • Discrete fracture network using parameters from the image log.
      Case Study of a Landing Location Optimization within a Depleted Stacked Reservoir in the Midland Basin

      Comprehensive assessment and clear recommendations for challenging partially depleted stacked pay interval. View

    • Production comparison showing infill well production of approximately 125,000 bbl versus recompleted well production of 220,000 bbl.
      Frac Hits: Good or Bad? A Comprehensive Study in the Bakken

      Case studies from the Bakken, carefully considering all the physics, rock, and fluid interaction in the subsurface strata. View

    Infill construction

    • WPX Energy Saves 9 Days While Drilling a Nearly 3-Mile Lateral in North Dakota - PowerDrive Orbit vorteX RSS sets a lateral footage record for Mountrail County
      WPX Energy Saves 9 Days While Drilling a Nearly 3-Mile Lateral in North Dakota

      PowerDrive Orbit vorteX RSS sets a lateral footage record for Mountrail County. View

    Infill execution

    • BroadBand Sequence Service Stimulates Wells with 50% Less Diverter Material, Bakken Shale - High-pressure injector technology and large-particle diverter pills improve operational efficiency in wide fractures and reduce job time. - Case Study
      BroadBand Sequence Service Stimulates Wells with 50% Less Diverter Material, Bakken Shale

      High-pressure injector technology and large-particle diverter pills reduce job time. View

    • BroadBand Sequence Service Contributes 42% of Total Oil Production in Well for Whiting Petroleum - Fracturing service stimulates uncemented 1,822-ft section, treats 17% of lateral length for increased production in Pronghorn Formation, Williston basin - Case Study
      BroadBand Sequence Service Contributes 42% of Total Oil Production in Well for Whiting Petroleum

      Fracturing service stimulates uncemented 1,822-ft section, treats 17% of lateral length, Williston Basin. View

    • Table showing differences in frac hits, depending on frac technology used.
      Lime Rock Resources Prevents Frac Hits and Increases Parent and Infill Well Production

      Optimized stimulation services boost parent well production by 150% and infill well average by 66% over the parent, North Dakota. View

    • Increased Reservoir Contact in Cemented Multistage Completions In the Williston Basin, Using Engineered Diversion Workflow
      Increased Reservoir Contact in Cemented Multistage Completions Using Engineered Diversion Workflow

      New sequenced fracturing technique further increases reservoir contact, Williston Basin. View

    • Stimulation Optimization Using Engineered Diversion Workflow to Increase Wellbore Contact in Cemented Completions
      Stimulation Optimization Using Engineered Diversion Workflow to Increase Wellbore Contact in Cemented Completions

      Completion techniques in the Middle Bakken formation have evolved over the years, with cemented Plug & Perf becoming the most common technique in recent years. It relies on stimulation of multiple clusters of perforations, normally 3-5, at one time. View

    • Production results comparing child well with 19% better production due to application of reservoir modeling and pressure monitoring.
      Understanding and Mitigating Depletion Effects in Infill Wells for Optimized Production

      Fracture geometry control reduced frac hits as confirmed by high-frequency pressure monitoring. View

    • Bakken formation petroleum system stratigraphy.
      Application of Novel Fracture Geometry Control Solution in Williston Basin

      Increase proppant placement around infill wells and prevents fracture interference. View

    • Innovative Approach to Effectively Stimulate Openhole Sections of Horizontal Laterals
      Innovative Approach to Effectively Stimulate Openhole Sections of Horizontal Laterals

      Design methodology, execution details, and production results from Williston Basin. View

    • Fracture Geometry Control Technology Prevents Well Interference in the Bakken
      Fracture Geometry Control Technology Prevents Well Interference in the Bakken

      The increasing trend of drilling infill wells (more than 60% of new wells in 2017) comes with the significant risk of well interference. View

    Infill recovery

    • REDA Continuum Stages Extend Flow Rate Range, Saving Operator USD 185,000 in Unconventional Well - Engineered REDA Maximus ESP system manages steep production decline to achieve 82% drawdown in the Bakken Shale, North Dakota
      REDA Continuum Stages Extend Flow Rate Range, Saving Operator USD 185,000 in Unconventional Well

      Engineered REDA Maximus ESP system manages steep production decline to achieve 82% drawdown in the Bakken Shale, North Dakota. View

    • REDA Maximus ESP System with REDA Continuum Stages Increases Run Life by 500% in the Bakken Shale - Customer experiences continuous production down to 200 bbl/d using one ESP system
      REDA Maximus ESP System with REDA Continuum Stages Increases Run Life by 500% in the Bakken Shale

      Customer experiences continuous production down to 200 bbl/d using one ESP system. View

    • REDA Maximus Systems with REDA Continuum Stages Increase Production by 70% in the Bakken Shale - Customer increases production while avoiding ESP replacement and related costs
      REDA Maximus Systems with REDA Continuum Stages Increase Production by 70% in the Bakken Shale

      Customer increases production while avoiding ESP replacement and related costs. View

    Permian Basin

    Factors for success in the Midland Basin and Delaware Basin of West Texas and southern New Mexico.

    Infill planning

    • Combining imaging data from Quanta Geo and 3D far-field sonic services enabled 3D mapping of the location, orientation, and length of natural fractures up to 40 ft around the wellbore.
      3D Far-Field Sonic Service Maps Natural Fractures to Improve Stimulation, West Texas

      Workflow combines high-resolution sonic and resistivity imaging for optimizing completion design and hydraulic fracturing. View

    • 3D Structural and Properties Modeling Using Limited Datasets Leads to Optimized Completion Design - Wolfcamp shale operator uses Mangrove engineered stimulation design to overcome casing size limitations and determine ideal targets based on geomechanical properties - Case Study
      3D Structural and Properties Modeling Using Limited Datasets Leads to Optimized Completion Design

      Overcome casing size limitations and determine ideal targets based on geomechanical properties. View

    • Engineered Completion Design Increases Reservoir Contact and Productivity in the Wolfcamp Shale - Mangrove stimulation design uses log measurements to intelligently place perforation clusters in optimal intervals of high-pressure shale play - Case Study
      Engineered Completion Design Increases Reservoir Contact and Productivity in the Wolfcamp Shale

      Mangrove stimulation design uses log measurements to intelligently place perforation clusters in optimal intervals of high-pressure shale play. View

    • Microfracture Tests Directly Measure Geomechanical Properties in the Avalon Shale, Delaware Basin - Cross-calibration of microfracturing performed with the MDT tester, fracture injection tests, and sonic logs confirms minimum horizontal stress
      Microfracture Tests Directly Measure Geomechanical Properties in the Avalon Shale, Delaware Basin

      MDT tester, fracture injection tests, and sonic logs confirm minimum horizontal stress. View

    • Producible Hydrocarbons Identified in Low-Resistivity Reservoir by Combining Litho Scanner Service and NMR - TOC from Litho Scanner spectroscopy service and NMR pore-size distribution identify the sweet spot for optimal horizontal landing. point, Bone Spring Sand
      Producible Hydrocarbons Identified in Low-Resistivity Reservoir by Combining Litho Scanner Service and NMR

      TOC from Litho Scanner spectroscopy service and NMR pore-size distribution identify the sweet spot for optimal horizontal landing. point, Bone Spring Sand. View

    • Updated maximum stress azimuth at 1-year depletion and modeled complex fracture geometry of the child well.
      Impact of Well Spacing and Interference on Production Performance in Unconventional Reservoirs, Permian Basin

      The impact of different well spacing configurations on well interference and production performance. View

    • Proppant volume sensitivity results. Child well production increases with stimulation size (proppant volume), but production increment drops with the equivalent proppant increment.
      Advanced Modeling of Production Induced Pressure Depletion and Well Spacing Impact on Infill Wells in Spraberry, Permian Basin

      How changes in well spacing and proppant volume will impact new infill well performance. View

    • Fracture model allows extraction of predicted total fracture density along planned well trajectories and provides insight into interconnectivity through major fracture corridors.
      Calibrated Complex Fracture Modeling Using Constructed Discrete Fracture Network from Seismic Data in the Avalon Shale, New Mexico

      Successful application of seismic data and DFN for modeling hydraulic fractures in unconventional reservoirs. View

    Infill design

    • FMI-HD Microimager Identifies Vugs and Fractures in High-Resistivity Carbonate, Permian Basin - Clear images of secondary porosity features and natural fractures obtained across the dynamic resistivity range
      FMI-HD Microimager Identifies Vugs and Fractures in High-Resistivity Carbonate, Permian Basin

      Secondary porosity features and natural fractures obtained across dynamic resistivity range. View

    • Slim Cased Hole Lithology and Anisotropic Mechanical Properties with One Toolstring, West Texas - No rig required for obtaining a complete dataset in a horizontal well by tractor conveyance of Pulsar spectroscopy service and ThruBit Dipole acoustic service
      Slim Cased Hole Lithology and Anisotropic Mechanical Properties with One Toolstring, West Texas

      No rig required for obtaining a complete dataset in a horizontal well by tractor conveyance of Pulsar spectroscopy service and ThruBit Dipole acoustic service. View

    • Integrated Completion with ShalePrime Service Raises Oil Production by 70% for Manti Tarka Permian
      Integrated Completion with ShalePrime Service Raises Oil Production by 70% for Manti Tarka Permian

      Combining modeling, rock-fluid compatibility testing, and efficient OneStim services reduces stimulation costs, Permian Basin. View

    • Pressure depletion map for complex hydraulic fracture for cluster spacing sensitivities after 1 year of production.
      An Integrated Workflow for Completion and Stimulation Design Optimization in the Avalon Shale, Permian Basin

      Applying a multidisciplinary integrated workflow to a horizontal well to model complex hydraulic fractures and production. View

    Infill construction

    • Fulcrum Technology Improves Cement Bond Index by 55% in Horizontal Wells, Permian Basin-Case Study
      Fulcrum Technology Improves Cement Bond Index by 55% in Horizontal Wells, Permian Basin

      Cement-conveyed frac performance technology efficiently mitigates hole-cleaning challenges by altering mud mobility—without special equipment or cement designs. View

    • Fulcrum Technology Increases Liquids Production up to 41% in the Permian Basin - Case Study
      Fulcrum Technology Increases Liquids Production up to 41% in the Permian Basin

      Minimizing interstage communication during hydraulic fracturing treatment results in higher normalized 3-month cumulative production. View

    • Fulcrum Technology Stops Pressure Communication through Cement Samples in Lab-Scale Testing
      Fulcrum Technology Stops Pressure Communication through Cement Samples in Lab-Scale Testing

      Fulcrum technology changes rheology in cement mud channels to prevent fluid movement. View

    • Effective Zonal Isolation in Horizontal Wells: Mitigating Negative Impact of Mud Channels
      Effective Zonal Isolation in Horizontal Wells: Mitigating Negative Impact of Mud Channels

      Preliminary results of field testing of new cement system that improves zonal isolation. View

    Infill execution

    • BroadBand Sequence Fracturing Service Increases Production 42% in Wolfcamp Shale - Composite fracturing fluid maximizes wellbore contact in highly laminated and pressured unconventional reservoir in Permian basin, southern USA - Case Study
      BroadBand Sequence Fracturing Service Increases Production 42% in Wolfcamp Shale

      Composite fracturing fluid maximizes wellbore contact in highly laminated and pressured unconventional reservoir in Permian basin, southern USA. View

    • BroadBand Services' Composite Fracturing Fluid Improves Production 62% from Thick Shale - Better proppant transport and increased vertical conductivity make better wells in the Wolfcamp Shale, Permian basin - Case Study
      BroadBand Services’ Composite Fracturing Fluid Improves Production 62% from Thick Shale

      Better proppant transport and increased vertical conductivity make better wells in the Wolfcamp Shale, Permian basin. View

    • Permian Producers Lean on Technology
      Permian Producers Lean on Technology

      During the industry downturn, operators tend to fine-tune efficiencies to drive down costs. View

    • Location of the Delaware Basin in West Texas.
      Multigeneration Section Development in the Wolfcamp, Delaware Basin

      Proactive approach of designing, monitoring, and responding to shale wells. View

    Infill recovery

    • Devon Energy Minimizes Flowback Completion Damage by Following the Recommended Secure Operating Envelope - AvantGuard services’ integration of geomechanical modeling, data analysis,  and real-time solids monitoring guides poststimulation operations, Permian Basin - Case Study
      Devon Energy Minimizes Flowback Completion Damage by Following the Recommended Secure Operating Envelope

      AvantGuard services guides poststimulation operations, Permian Basin. View

    • Stopping the Sand
      Stopping the Sand

      The best way to manage solids production is by optimizing the initial completion. View

    • Lift IQ Service Improves ESP Efficiency and Reduces Deferred Production in Permian Basin Fields - Real-time surveillance service monitors downhole pump performance and enables improved production and pump uptime in two unconventional fields
      Lift IQ Service Improves ESP Efficiency and Reduces Deferred Production in Permian Basin Fields

      Real-time surveillance service monitors downhole pump performance and enables improved production and pump uptime in two unconventional fields. View

    • Bar graph shows 91% ESP uptime with 24/7 monitoring and remote control vs. 57% with monitoring alone.
      Lift IQ Service Remote Interventions Deliver 91% ESP Uptime in the Permian Basin

      Surveillance and optimization avert 1,800 bbl of deferred oil production and 800 hours of field service in just 3 months. View

    • Pioneering Completion and Production Techniques for Unconventional Plays in the Permian Basin
      Pioneering Completion and Production Techniques for Unconventional Plays in the Permian Basin

      Established operators in the Permian Basin have been producing from legacy mature fields and formations for many years with vertical wells, but the focus has shifted to aggressive growth in new unconventional resource plays. With this shift, a majority of the players have transitioned their programs to horizontal wellbores with multistage completions. View

    Eagle Ford Shale

    Factors for success in South Texas.

    Infill design

    • 630-bbl/d Oil After Fracture Evaluation of Eagle Ford Carbonate Section - Characterizing fractures and matrix with FMI microimager, Sonic Scanner platform Stoneley data, and CMR-Plus magnetic resonance in one trip
      630-bbl/d Oil After Fracture Evaluation of Eagle Ford Carbonate Section

      FMI microimager, Sonic Scanner platform Stoneley data, and CMR-Plus magnetic resonance in one trip. View

    • Engineered Completions Improve Eagle Ford Perforation Efficiency 28% - Open- and cased hole logging used to optimize positioning of fracture stages and perforation clusters for more efficient production from horizontal wells.
      Engineered Completions Improve Eagle Ford Perforation Efficiency 28%

      Open- and cased hole logging used to optimize positioning of fracture stages and perforation clusters for more efficient production from horizontal wells. View

    • Through-Bit Logging Pays Dividends
      Through-Bit Logging Optimizes Shale Completions

      One of industry’s greatest challenges in unconventional plays–especially at today’s oil prices–lies in designing completions that increase production significantly while simultaneously controlling costs. View

    • Combining ThruBit services, Kinetix software, and BroadBand Sequence service increases production for Lonestar Resources in the Eagle Ford Shale
      Geoengineered, Integrated Well Program Improves Oil Production by 80%–86%

      Combining ThruBit services, Kinetix software, and BroadBand Sequence service increases production for Lonestar Resources in the Eagle Ford Shale. View

    • Kinetix Stimulation-to-Production Software Increases Production by 40% in Eagle Ford Shale - Operator reduces completion costs by 11% with integrated stimulation design and modeling - Case Study
      Kinetix Stimulation-to-Production Software Increases Production by 40% in Eagle Ford Shale

      Operator reduces completion costs by 11% with integrated stimulation design and modeling. View

    • Product sheet thumbnail.
      Reservoir Model Helps Plans for Infill Wells to Avoid Productivity Losses, Eagle Ford Shale

      Integrated workflow helps optimize infill drilling in drill-to-hold leases by minimizing the occurrence of fracture hits and well interference. View

    • Eagle Ford Completion Optimization Using Horizontal Log Data
      Eagle Ford Completion Optimization Using Horizontal Log Data

      Value of acquiring petrophysical data in the lateral section and its application to completion optimization. View

    • Eagle Ford Completion Optimization Strategies Using Horizontal Logging Data
      Eagle Ford Completion Optimization Strategies Using Horizontal Logging Data

      Results of the study can change the way unconventional resources are developed. View

    • Application of Reservoir-Centric Stimulation Design Tool in Completion Optimization for Eagle Ford Shale
      Application of Reservoir-Centric Stimulation Design Tool in Completion Optimization for Eagle Ford Shale

      Completion design for unconventional shale plays in North America is a topic of high current interest. Although the practice of stimulating shale horizontal wells with large slickwater treatments is slowly changing to the use of Hybrid/Crosslink treatments in certain plays, little has changed with the method of completion design itself. View

    • A Novel Completion Method for Sequenced Fracturing in the Eagle Ford Shale
      A Novel Completion Method for Sequenced Fracturing in the Eagle Ford Shale

      In multistage fracturing of unconventional formations, such as the Eagle Ford shale, wells are traditionally stimulated by fracturing several perforation clusters at once. While the technique is operationally efficient, there is evidence from production logs, microseismic monitoring and other measurements that several of the clusters produce below expectations or do not produce at all. View

    • Engineering an Effective Completion and Stimulation Strategy for In-Fill Wells
      Engineering an Effective Completion and Stimulation Strategy for In-Fill Wells

      As the oil & gas industry enters into next phase of unconventional reservoir development, many new in-fill wells will be drilled in various shale oil and gas plays in North America. A detailed evaluation to devise an engineered approach for stimulating and completing these wells is critical to maximizing productivity. View

    Infill construction

    • Logging Solutions for Completion Optimization in Unconventional Resource Plays
      Logging Solutions for Completion Optimization in Unconventional Resource Plays

      This paper reviews the concept of optimized plug and perf completions as compared to the more frequently used approach of geometrically spacing stages and perforations. Reservoir quality and completion quality variables were used to design engineered completions in a multi-well study of Eagle Ford Shale wells. View

    Infill execution

    • BroadBand Sequence Service Delivers 21% Increase in Productivity in the Eagle Ford - Fracturing service significantly increases stimulation effectiveness compared with conventional plug-and-perf technique - Case Study
      BroadBand Sequence Service Delivers 21% Increase in Productivity in the Eagle Ford

      Fracturing service significantly increases stimulation effectiveness compared with conventional plug-and-perf technique. View

    • BroadBand Sequence Service Increases Production in Refractured Well by 600 bbl/d
      BroadBand Sequence Service Increases Production in Refractured Well by 600 bbl/d

      Schlumberger restimulates well, accesses new rock, increases reserves, and increases flowing pressure by 4,750 psi. View

    • BroadBand Sequence Service Increases Productivity Index More Than 600% in Refractured Shale Well - Advanced sequenced fracturing service doubles oil and gas production rates while quadrupling flowing pressure, Eagle Ford Shale - Case Study
      BroadBand Sequence Service Increases Productivity Index More Than 600% in Refractured Shale Well

      Advanced sequenced fracturing service doubles oil and gas production rates while quadrupling flowing pressure, Eagle Ford Shale. View

    • BroadBand Sequence Service Reduces Completion Time by 46% for Plug-and-Perf Operations, Eagle Ford - Fracturing service significantly enhances operational efficiency and reduces the number of bridge plugs required by 68% - Case Study
      BroadBand Sequence Service Reduces Completion Time by 46% for Plug-and-Perf Operations, Eagle Ford

      Fracturing service significantly enhances operational efficiency and reduces the number of bridge plugs required by 68%. View

    • BroadBand Shield Service Improves Production by 12% in Infill Well and 5% in Parent Well - Aggressive engineered stimulation design maximizes infill production and avoids detrimental well-to-well communication, Eagle Ford Shale. - Case Study
      BroadBand Shield Service Improves Production by 12% in Infill Well and 5% in Parent Well

      Aggressive engineered stimulation design maximizes infill production and avoids detrimental well-to-well communication, Eagle Ford Shale. View

    • Invizion Evaluation Service Improves Zonal Isolation 70% in Eagle Ford Shale -  Evaluation of near-wellbore communication and isolation of cemented BroadBand Precision service sleeves enhance well stimulation
      Invizion Evaluation Service Improves Zonal Isolation 70% in Eagle Ford Shale

      Evaluation of near-wellbore communication and isolation of cemented BroadBand Precision service sleeves enhance well stimulation. View

    • Engineering an Effective Completion and Stimulation Strategy for In-Fill Wells
      Engineering an Effective Completion and Stimulation Strategy for In-Fill Wells

      As the oil & gas industry enters into next phase of unconventional reservoir development, many new in-fill wells will be drilled in various shale oil and gas plays in North America. A detailed evaluation to devise an engineered approach for stimulating and completing these wells is critical to maximizing productivity. View

    • Sequenced Fracture Treatment Diversion Enhances Horizontal Well Completions in the Eagle Ford Shale
      Sequenced Fracture Treatment Diversion Enhances Horizontal Well Completions in the Eagle Ford Shale

      Extend interval length and increase effectively stimulated rock volume. View

    • Bar chart showing the percentage of wells with frac hits is significantly higher in Eagle Ford Shale when not using the far-field diverter.
      Far-Field Diversion Technology to Prevent Fracture Hits in Tightly Spaced Horizontal Wells

      Intelligent engineering design, including a far-field diversion pill, corrects fracture growth geometry. View

    • Optimization of Infill Well Development Using a Novel Far-Field Diversion Technique in the Eagle Ford Shale
      Optimization of Infill Well Development Using a Novel Far-Field Diversion Technique in the Eagle Ford Shale

      In today's low oil price environment, the majority of operators are focusing on the development of their best acreage to maximize economic returns. These sweet spots are increasingly scarce, and hence the number of infill wells that will be drilled will increase. View

    • Refracturing in the Eagle Ford Shale: One Operator's Quest to Identify and Rank Candidates, Minimize Well Interference, and Understand Variability of Results
      Refracturing in the Eagle Ford Shale: One Operator's Quest to Identify and Rank Candidates, Minimize Well Interference, and Understand Variability of Results

      One of the main objectives of a refracturing operation is to increase oil and gas production while avoiding the costs associated with completing a new well. View

    Infill recovery

    • AvantGuard Advanced Flowback Services Help Lonestar Determine Optimal Coiled Tubing Operating Conditions - Real-time monitoring with Vx Spectra surface multiphase flowmeter enables better preservation of fracture integrity, Eagle Ford Shale - Case Study
      AvantGuard Advanced Flowback Services Help Lonestar Determine Optimal Coiled Tubing Operating Conditions

      Real-time monitoring with Vx Spectra surface multiphase flowmeter enables better preservation of fracture integrity, Eagle Ford Shale. View

    • Lonestar Confirms Fracture Placement and Scaling Tendency with AvantGuard Flowback Services Monitoring - Similar geochemical fingerprints during flowback of all three wells indicate fractures contacted sections with the same bounding units and only minor scaling potential
      Lonestar Confirms Fracture Placement and Scaling Tendency with AvantGuard Flowback Services Monitoring

      Similar geochemical fingerprints during flowback of all three wells indicate fractures contacted sections with the same bounding units and only minor scaling potential. View

    • Customized ESP Solution Optimizes Operations in the Unconventional Eagle Ford Shale - Schlumberger and Magnum Hunter Resources establish innovative ESP approach in new environment
      Customized ESP Solution Optimizes Operations in the Unconventional Eagle Ford Shale

      SLB and Magnum Hunter Resources establish innovative ESP approach in new environment. View

    • Advances in extreme temperature artificial lift mechanism improving SAGD operations
      Shale Spotlight: Staying Ahead of the Curve

      Real-time data has been instrumental for ESP operation, as well as enabling engineers to analyse the reservoir and assess well completion techniques and the influence of fractures from nearby wells. View

    • Interrogating Flowback Chemistry for Damage Markers in the Eagle Ford
      Interrogating Flowback Chemistry for Damage Markers in the Eagle Ford

      Workflow to generate an appropriately scoped, high-quality dataset to facilitate interpretation of subsurface phenomena. View

    Haynesville Shale

    Factors for success in East Texas and northern Louisiana.

    Infill design

    • Qualifying Diversion in Multi Clusters Horizontal Well Hydraulic Fracturing in Haynesville Shale Using Water Hammer Analysis, Step-Down Test and Microseismic Data
      Qualifying Diversion in Multi Clusters Horizontal Well Hydraulic Fracturing in Haynesville Shale Using Water Hammer Analysis, Step-Down Test and Microseismic Data

      The objective of this study is to evaluate and maximize the effect of diversion in multi-cluster horizontal well hydraulic fracturing applications using water hammer profile analysis, step down test and microseismic monitoring. View

    • Proposed Refracturing Methodology in the Haynesville Shale
      Proposed Refracturing Methodology in the Haynesville Shale

      During the downturn in the oil and gas industry, many operators have chosen to refracture their previously underperforming wells to boost economics with lower investment compared to drilling new wells. View

    • Refracturing production history matching results for four wells.
      Unique Multidisciplinary Approach to Model and Optimize Pad Refracturing in the Haynesville Shale

      Understanding the viability of refracturing and its influence on existing fracture networks. View

    Infill execution

    • Comstock Uses BroadBand Sequence Service to Increase Gas Rate 700% in Haynesville Shale Well - Refracturing improves immediate and short-term production of natural gas well - Case Study
      Comstock Uses BroadBand Sequence Service to Increase Gas Rate 700% in Haynesville Shale Well

      Refracturing improves immediate and short-term production of natural gas well. View

    • Operator Uses BroadBand Sequence Service to Boost Flowing Pressure by 300%
      BroadBand Sequence Service Boosts Flowing Pressure by 300%

      Fracturing service restimulates previously fractured well, accesses new rock, and increases revenue. View

    • WellWatcher Stim Service Verifies Diversion and Stimulation Delivery in Limited-Entry Well
      WellWatcher Stim Service Verifies Diversion and Stimulation Delivery in Limited-Entry Well

      High-frequency monitoring identifies fluid entry points, indicating thorough wellbore coverage with BroadBand Sequence service, Haynesville Shale. View

    • Qualifying Diversion in Multi Clusters Horizontal Well Hydraulic Fracturing in Haynesville Shale Using Water Hammer Analysis, Step-Down Test and Microseismic Data
      Qualifying Diversion in Multi Clusters Horizontal Well Hydraulic Fracturing in Haynesville Shale Using Water Hammer Analysis, Step-Down Test and Microseismic Data

      The objective of this study is to evaluate and maximize the effect of diversion in multi-cluster horizontal well hydraulic fracturing applications using water hammer profile analysis, step down test and microseismic monitoring. View

    Infill well solution workflow

    Take a holistic, exploration-to-production, digital approach to eliminate challenges that impair your infill well potential.

    Infill well optimization workflow
    The Schlumberger approach to infill well optimization.

    Infill Planning

    Plan to Produce

    •  DELFI Cognitive E&P Environment
      Coherent well planning solution

      Produce better-quality drilling programs in minutes. View

    • Image generated by the Kinetix stimulation software suite.
      Reservoir-centric stimulation-to-production software

      Integrate complex reservoir and engineering data to simulate and optimize completion and fracture stimulation designs. View

    • ThruBit
      Through-the-bit logging services

      A comprehensive wireline suite designed for advanced lateral measurements in horizontal wells. View

    • rendering of lithoscanner
      Litho Scanner
      High-definition spectroscopy service

      Unlock the key elements of your reservoir—including stand-alone TOC. View

    • Sonic Scanner
      Acoustic scanning platform
      Sonic Scanner platform for downhole acoustic measurements

      Gain acoustic insight to anisotropy and formation geomechanics in wells at any angle. View

    • pulsar spectroscopic logging
      Multifunction spectroscopy service

      Attain comprehensive formation evaluation in cased hole: one run, one tool. View

    Infill Design

    Design to Produce

    • Petrel
      Petrel Subsurface Software
      Enable discipline experts to work together and make the best possible decisions from exploration to production

      Enable discipline experts to work together and make the best possible decisions from exploration to production. View

    • Image generated by the Kinetix stimulation software suite.
      Reservoir-centric stimulation-to-production software

      Integrate complex reservoir and engineering data to simulate and optimize completion and fracture stimulation designs. View

    • Intersect High-Resolution Reservoir Simulator
      Intersect high-resolution reservoir simulator
      New insights with high-resolution reservoir simulation

      New insights with high-resolution reservoir simulation. View

    •  DELFI Cognitive E&P Environment
      Digital platform

      Unite planning and operations in a multidimensional environment. View

    Infill Construction

    Drill to Produce

    • Fulcrum fracture technology.
      Cement-conveyed frac performance technology

      Improve multistage fracturing efficiency by limiting stage-to-stage communication behind the casing. View

    • NeoSteer at-bit steerable systems
      At-bit steerable systems

      NeoSteer at-bit steerable systems eliminate BHA reconfigurations between curve and lateral sections. View

    • Digital drilling solutions
      Intelligent well delivery and insights

      Intelligent well delivery and insights. View

    Infill Completion

    Frac to Produce

    • kinetix rt real-time software
      Kinetix RT
      Real-time stimulation optimization software

      Use surface and downhole data to facilitate immediate decisions during fracturing and acidizing operations. View

    • BroadBand Shield
      BroadBand Shield
      Fracture-geometry control service

      Minimize the risk of frac hits on neighboring wells or fracturing into undesirable zones while increasing fracture complexity. View

    • BroadBand Sequence Engineered Fracturing Fluids
      BroadBand Sequence
      Fracturing service

      Fracture every cluster within a limited-entry interval to maximize reservoir contact and oil and gas production. View

    • WellWatcher Stim stimulation monitoring service.
      WellWatcher Stim
      Stimulation monitoring service

      Improve fracturing and acidizing effectiveness by confirming downhole events in near-real time. View

    Infill Production

    Flow to Produce

    • Lift IQ Production Life Cycle Management Service
      Lift IQ
      Production life cycle management service

      Monitor and diagnose equipment, well, and reservoir problems with a service suited for all artificial lift systems. View

    • Interior of an SLB production chemicals laboratory.
      Oil and Gas Production Chemicals and Services
      Maximize production from reservoir to refinery

      Improve and assure production more safely with chemistry technologies, software, and mechanical solutions. View

    • REDA Continuum Unconventional ESP Stage
      REDA Continuum
      Extended-life ESP pump

      Improve lift, efficiency, and reliability in challenging unconventional and conventional oil wells. View

    • Interior of an SLB production chemicals laboratory.
      Oil and Gas Production Chemicals and Services
      Maximize production from reservoir to refinery

      Improve and assure production more safely with chemistry technologies, software, and mechanical solutions. View

    • AvantGuard Advanced Flowback Services
      Advanced flowback services

      Optimize productivity in fractured wells with integrated modeling, monitoring, and control. View

    Oilfield workers gather in the field.

    Better Engineering Can Help You Reverse the Trend of Underperforming Infill Wells

    With experience in all of the major unconventional basins in North America and around the world, our engineers can help optimize your infill well performance.

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